Customer Contact Telephone Number: 01483 740047 during normal UK business hours

<% ' Graphical Hit Counter Example By ' Declare variables Dim ObjCounterFile, ReadCounterFile, WriteCounterFile Dim CounterFile Dim CounterHits Dim FixedDigitCount Dim DigitCount Dim DigitCountLength Dim DigitZerosToAdd Dim DigitZeroCount Dim ShowDigits Dim DigitPath ' (FixedDigitCount) will add zeros to the front of your count ' if the count is less then the (FixedDigitCount) ' just like "frontpage" counters let you do FixedDigitCount = 6 DigitPath = "" On Error Resume Next Set ObjCounterFile = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") CounterFile = "d:\web\\www\pub\contact.txt" Set ReadCounterFile= ObjCounterFile.OpenTextFile (CounterFile, 1, True) If Not ReadCounterFile.AtEndOfStream Then CounterHits = Trim(ReadCounterFile.ReadLine) If CounterHits = "" Then CounterHits = 0 Else CounterHits = 0 End If ReadCounterFile.Close Set ReadCounterFile = Nothing CounterHits = CounterHits + 1 Set WriteCounterFile= ObjCounterFile.CreateTextFile (CounterFile, True) WriteCounterFile.WriteLine(CounterHits) WriteCounterFile.Close Set WriteCounterFile = Nothing Set ObjCounterFile = Nothing DigitCountLength = Len(CounterHits) If DigitCountLength < FixedDigitCount Then DigitZerosToAdd= FixedDigitCount - DigitCountLength DigitZeroCount = 1 For DigitZeroCount = DigitZeroCount to DigitZerosToAdd ShowDigits = ShowDigits & "" Next End If DigitCount = 1 For DigitCount = DigitCount to DigitCountLength ShowDigits = ShowDigits & "" Next %>


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